left our open thread: Happy Mandatory Family Togetherness Day

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Mandatory Family Togetherness Day

So twice in three hours members of my immediate family have e-mailed me photos of foods they have cooked. While that is one fine looking pie (coconut cream, made just for me, who does not enjoy the texture of pumpkin), I believe these in box arrivals do demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a such thing as too much technology. Or at least that my brother has not been on his own nearly long enough. The cooking? Just a novelty. And, for the record, lamb, fig, prosciutto and goat cheese pizza looks like something that may have been evacuated out of the nether regions of a hermaphrodite deer. Just my impression, mind you, but what is a big sister for if not to offer an unvarnished opinion? I figure I owe him the truth.

And he already owes me, given that I'll have to spend 15 or 20 minutes of the Packers-Lions game in the car to get to the dinner arranged to allow him to get to the new girlfriend's in time. Sure, they'll be eating one marathon meal, and sure, we like this one much better and are glad the fifty year-old PE teacher's gone, and sure we can go back to the DVR if we've gotta, but HEY! it's the Packers! a game I don't have to buy wings for! You think I can be bought off with pie and the sweet tea only my mother can make? Not hardly. I'm thinking we might just be late.


Hippo said...


I can't believe you sneaked in a reference to the hermaphrodite deer! :)

Enjoy the game, the pie, and the day.

Thankful for you as a friend,


Allison said...

Back at'cha, Tina, but next time, for me, you totally have to eat more of the turducken!