left our open thread: Who says there's no Easter bunny?

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Who says there's no Easter bunny?

Fifteen stuffed animals in the chair next to me say different. That's our take thus far this weekend from the children's version of slots -- drop in two quarters and try to hook a stuffed toy with a claw-like device. We haven't been perfect by any means, but we're averaging better than any slot machine I ever experienced.

By some twisted kind of continued spring fever induced logic, we checked into a local hotel for the holiday weekend. Even if it's still freezing outside, we can at least pretend its warm in and around the indoor pool and hot tub.

It's been nice to get away, even less than five miles from home. We've eaten like kings, enjoyed showers with water pressure you can only find at a hotel, slept in and napped too, and took a little family time. Bonus that we also found a most-generous vending machine/arcade type device.

Let's see Tavin top that!

Happy Easter.

1 Comment:

Allison said...

Unfair challenge. Tavin would never have $7.50 in quarters.