left our open thread: Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Is this heaven? No, it's Iowa

Spring finally came to Iowa this weekend. All the better that it was an uncommonly unscheduled weekend in my household. In January, when I question why I live here, I need to remember days like these. Years ago, when I couldn't cope with the monotony of gorgeous day after gorgeous day in Southern California, this is why.

With no work conflicts or little league baseball games scheduled, I was able to get a 39-mile bike ride in with members of my RAGBRAI team. I mowed the lawn, swept out the garage, set up the gazebo-screenhouse type structure, planted some tomatoes and grilled like a madman. Saturday night brought the first bonfire of 2007. My farmer's tan is well on its way, and it's not even May (not to mention I'm not even a farmer).

I wish I had gone full Monty into this spring-is-sprung weekend, but I did keep track of the NFL draft, particularly as it was mis-managed by the Green Bay Packers. But why go there? That would only spoil the mood.