left our open thread: Top 10 Things Mirna & Schmirna Have in Common with Dick & Dubya

Monday, April 09, 2007

Top 10 Things Mirna & Schmirna Have in Common with Dick & Dubya

Because sometimes no apparent reason is the best reason of all:

10. One is the size of a ventriloquist dummy, one behaves like a ventriloquist dummy
9. Anti-American sentiment grows everywhere they go.
8. They're the most sanctimonious group of characters on reality TV.
7. Two of them were born in Syria, three of them can find Syria on a map.
6. More mute buttons are hit when they're on screen than any other time.
5. The only reason Charla hasn't shot Mirna in the face is that they haven't come to the quail hunting roadblock yet
4. None of them belong to the reality based community.
3. They have all spent time in undisclosed locations.
2. Three of them speak some kind of maddening pidgin English. (The other one just lies. )
1. The longer they're around, the more unpopular they get.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Ha!! This made my day!