left our open thread: free therapy

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

free therapy

"You know that day we stayed after school? We went over to that field and laid down and looked at the stars. I'd never done anything like that before."

I do not say, "so that's what you call it these days?" This time she's broken his heart.

And he keeps talking, now that we're alone in the hall, explaining and venting and asking questions that don't have an answer. He'd taken himself to his counselor, but finding her busy he'd wandered down to my room as he does six times a day. This time, at least he had reason. Good choice, to not assault his rival in the hall. Good choice, to try to cope with his feelings before he wrecks his quarter. If only he were capable of logic when she's within view. It's easy to see the attraction. She's beautiful. And she knows it. And she's been fifteen for a week. She's recognizing her powers. Next time this still will not end well, I promise him.

"I always went out with white girls before, but this was different, it wasn't just about making out. . . she knows how to treat a guy. " I do not say. . .anything, for a while. I just listen.

In the end I offer him some options, some guarantees that no one will know. I give up my afternoon appointment with his counselor so he can have it. This entire love triangle is one-fourth of my fifth block class; helping diffuse it is my business. The rest of it is just part of the job. It's hard to focus on learning when your head's in your hands. I'm not sure how anyone graduates.