left our open thread: life's a circus, this is a carnival

Saturday, May 26, 2007

life's a circus, this is a carnival

"I hate coming to these things," says the random mom behind us in line.

Beautiful night, though.

"I hate these things."

Well, they're having fun.

"I hate these things."

So. I. hear.

Can't say that standing in line for nearly an hour is my favorite way to while away part of a Friday night either, but my girl loves that hang glider ride, her friend, afraid of heights, has already gone home, we've got the tickets, nobody is ever going to stop the middle schoolers in the front from letting their friends cut and extending our wait, and, besides, the company--my company-- is as good as the lemonade is sour. We roll our eyes at the goofball boys, raise our eyebrows at the fashion don'ts, debate the merits of funnel cake vs. late night drive-thru snack, try to calculate how many more turns 'til we're nearer the gate, and hold each other up as the hour grows later. She's so tall! She's so patient. She's so determined to ride this ride and "fly."

A more perfect conclusion would have me flying along with her, but first weekend of the summer magic only goes so far. As it went, she did get to ride before the rain began, and even the sullen mom had to smile when my daughter thanked her for playing security when another gang of 12 year-olds tried to crash the line. I hope she carried her moment of carnival contentment on to the next ride, though I'm not sure that happened. I know I'm not always so good at choosing my attitude. Life, indeed, can be hard. But hanging out with your kids as they do what makes them happy? That should be easy.