left our open thread: An appearance

Thursday, January 10, 2008

An appearance

Correlation does not imply causation, except of course when it does.

Not that I'm sure I want any credit for blurted frustration that channeled more ticked mother than teacher, but dios mio: in or out! Come or don't! I may be a favorite of the custodial mafia, but the odds of securing a ladder tall enough to provide egress out of the deep hole you're digging are already heading past slim.

So yes, yesterday, when the forbidden-during-school-hours text arrived that said--or so it was reported-- to tell me you'd finally see me Monday, a week after everyone, my relayed response (the part that prefaced, "put up that phone!") was, "in that case, tell them not to bother."

And then today, you bothered, about an after first block began. So much, I suppose, for the bus. Or, at least you came after you missed it. The spin can go either way. And so, at this point, can the semester, the year, the future. It's never really over. But choices and decisions, you see how things can go hard or easy? You see how you affect it? I kinda don't think you do. Life just happens. And yes, I know, tomorrow, baby's gotta see the doctor. Maybe Monday I'll see you.