left our open thread: Something to chew on

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Something to chew on

In the race for the Presidency -- and I refuse to believe the Republican part is anything but a sideshow -- I've had only one knock against Obama vs. several for Clinton. But it's a huge one, I feel, for our country's future. Our friend Paul Krugman is all over it.

But Obama said something in tonight's debate that made even more sense than who had the better health care plan.

Clinton said repeatedly that Obama's plan would leave 15 million Americans uncovered.

But he, in turn, accused the former first lady of mishandling the issue by working in secrecy when her husband was in the White House.

"I'm going to do things differently," he said. "We can have great plans, but if we don't change how the politics is working in Washington, then neither of our plans are going to happen."

John Edwards couldn't have said it any better. Then again, he had the best health care plan of all.