left our open thread: Shitload defined

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Shitload defined

Webster defines it as a vulgar reference to "a very large amount." Seems about right from this vantage point. We got a shitload of snow.

Officially it totaled 13 inches, sufficient to close schools, banks and many businesses. Garbage pickup was delayed and churches postponed Ash Wednesday services until Thursday. Even snow plow operators had their share of difficulty.

I work at a residential college that is loathe to cancel classes for any reason, except Flunk Day. After giving the day the old college try in the morning, afternoon and evening classes were canceled and employees sent home.

Historically, it's the biggest Cedar Rapids snowstorm since 14.5 inches came with "The Blizzard of '73." I was eight and remember digging out of my grandparents home that April weekend. The record stands at 17.8 inches in 1954.

So this wasn't quite a record snowstorm. But still...we got a shitload.