left our open thread: Tom Who?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Tom Who?

John Edwards on The Late Show

Interesting, I thought, that in a discussion of possible presidential candidates there was no mention of Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack. If I'm not mistaken, he's the only one who has actually stated his intentions. When you throw your hat in the ring and no one notices, that should tell you something. When you're not likely to win your own state, even, in the first-in-the-nation caucuses, that should tell you something. Near as I can tell, Vilsack is positioning himself as the VP candidate or for a cabinet post. I don't put much stock in his presidential ambitions.

1 Comment:

Lonnie said...

I meant to mention, but forgot, Wesley Clark. In all the hubbub over Hillary and Obama, he could emerge as the perfect candidate. It's way too early to pick a favorite (though I'm willing to bet it's not Vilsack).