left our open thread: Veterans, Future and Past

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veterans, Future and Past

Yesterday I happened to catch part of a radio story about a living history project that has interviewed the fourteen remaining World War I veterans. World War I! The youngest are 105 years old. While it was remarkable to hear their stories and reassuring to see centenarians able to articulate their memories--which are as often of girls as they are of battle; you think that attitude has something to do with longevity?--I couldn't help but wonder what the world will look like and what the veterans of today's conflicts will have to say about it in 2095.

1 Comment:

Lonnie said...

This reminds me that we must find a way to honor the troops -- once they finally come home -- while still opposing the flawed policy that led to the war. After all, we don't want another Viet Nam! At the very least, we could honor their service by NOT CUTTING THEIR BENEFITS!