left our open thread: Right is the new wrong

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Right is the new wrong

I stumbled across this from Davis Sweet on the huffingtonpost. I wish I had written it myself, but didn't. Sweet reminds us to be kind guardians of our new-found (and well-deserved) favor with the public. We must avoid the temptation for revenge and hold ourselves to a much higher standard than the crooks, liars and hypocrites on the right. In short, don't be an asshole.

Some highlights:

Every smear in the recent campaign was a skidmark, and all of that unwashable crap (aside from some of the more hysterical Foley-bashing) came from the GOP. Karl Rove telling us the liberals wanted "therapy" for terrorists. Calling relentlessly pro-troop Representative John Murtha a traitor. Gang-pouting at John Kerry for an insult that a flippin' earthworm could tell was aimed at Bush rather than the troops. Each was an asshole move.


When folks are in trouble and you have the capacity to help, you have a couple of simple choices: help or be an asshole. We watched this administration choose their course, we were briefly baffled, and then we realized there was too much proctology in their psychology.

In conclusion:

So, advice to the incoming majority (barring an asshole move like a party switch from he-who-must-not-be-named): keep your words April fresh, clean up after yourselves, and limit any attacks to above the belt. That's the way to win the hearts and behinds of America.