left our open thread: Election reality alters fantasy picture

Friday, November 10, 2006

Election reality alters fantasy picture

It wasn’t just the nation’s destiny that changed with the Democratic election victory and the subsequent resignation/dismissal of Donald Rumsfield. The turn-of-events also had an impact on my fantasy football team.

Before you dismiss this as trivial, I should note I am commissioner of a league in its 14th year and seven of 12 owners are charter members. Four others are in their 11th, 12th or 13th year. Although I have yet to win a championship, I play on.

My team is named Lonster’s Monsters and for the last several years our logo has been a picture of Rummy. Who better to represent the Monsters than a real life monster? Who is scarier?

Then he had to go and quit/get fired and I was faced with a mid-season dilemma – stick with the tried and true or find a new sinister force to strike fear in the hearts of my opponents?

With the Monsters struggling to earn a playoff spot, it was time for decisive action. Emboldened by election night victories, I took all of about five seconds to find Rummy’s replacement.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the new-look Monsters.


Allison said...

Scary monsters? Undoubtedly.

But don't most teams like to look like a winner?

Lonnie said...

You may be right. Early returns on the new-look Monsters are not good. I need Cadillac Williams to somehow find his way to the end zone tonight or I lose.