left our open thread: Forget "if he did." Why do we care?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Forget "if he did." Why do we care?

Exhale America. Mediamaniac Rupert Murdoch has squelched plans for double-murdering NFL Hall of Famer O.J. Simpson’s book and Faux television special.


Talk about your must-see TV. You mean a man found “not guilty” is going on TV to say how he would have committed a crime, if he had? What a bizarre twist on the usual guilty-guy-claims-innocence theme. Credit Faux for at least trying to give the viewers something different.

“I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project,” Murdoch said. “We are sorry for any pain this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.”

“But you’re not sorry about the publicity the whole matter has brought to your evil empire,” I added.

They must have had producers of Cops spinning in their graves, if they were dead. What they forgot are the two people who ARE dead. I can’t fathom how any credible network – or Faux even – could think this was a good idea.

I won’t belabor the point. It’s covered extensively at The Huffington Post and elsewhere. But “The Juice” – and I don’t mean alcohol – changed my life – and I don’t mean for the better – with his heinous crime. For months that seemed like weeks and were probably actually years, I was glued to the TV. I couldn’t get enough of Geraldo Rivera!

The thought of it makes me sick. I need to take a shower now.

1 Comment:

Allison said...

Well said.

But Geraldo? Really?