left our open thread: what's in the air

Friday, May 16, 2008

what's in the air

"Thanks, Ms. P." I have to close the quotes there. Because what followed was lost to my exhale. I know he used the word "always," which means whatever he said is only true within his head. I know he was satisfied when he walked out the door, that whatever I said about how to handle idiot jackass rat bastard boys who roam the high school hallways struck him as true, and for the first time in several hours he was not considering the penalties for assault and whether it would really be worth it.

So I did accomplish something on Thursday, whether my to-do list was abandoned or not.

Ironic, perhaps, that when news of yet another intraclassroom couple came around I was right there on the "Can you believe it?!" bandwagon. Heavy sighs and mock indignation all around. To their classmates, I think it feels nearly incestuous: too much like kissing your sister. To me, it's a hassle at best; the typical teen distractions cranked up to a twelve. "No touching!" on the way out to a fire drill. Dread of the inevitable spat. Because now, after hearing what those idiot jackass rat bastard boys have been saying about one of my girls, again, especially to rile up one of my boys I now feel like this new couple’s staunchest defender-- a feeling that may well last longer than theirs will. Or not. It’s high school: hard to say. I just find myself glad that it seems that they’ll have a chance to figure it out for themselves. Especially if it’s out of my sight.