left our open thread: Race partner wanted

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Race partner wanted

Turns out the "Amazing Race" is coming to Cedar Rapids. On open casting call will be held Dec. 6. I need a partner.

After completing RAGBRAI from start to finish, the son would be the logical choice. But the rules require applicants be at least 21. The wife and I can't get across town, much less the world, without conflict, so she's out. My BFF would surely rather continue playing the lottery than miss work for such an opportunity. So I'm left to appeal to our readers.

This may be your best shot at wealth. Certainly the adventure of a lifetime. The only catch, you must be present to apply. Applications will be taken until the position is filled.


Allison said...

What you need to do is post your Race application here (it's only 13 pages long!). You know, let the people see what they'd be in for, er, make an informed decision.

Anonymous said...

I'd do it but you sound like a nerd, and I'm cool so it wouldn't be believable.

Lonnie said...

Yeah. People who leave anonymous comments are the coolest.