Well, it is Sunday morning, but I'm responding to some remarks Obama made about Hillary yesterday. Good day for the junior senator from my state, far as I'm concerned.
"In an interview with the Tribune, Obama questioned the front-runner’s ability to convert broad public discontent with the Bush Administration into a decisive Democratic victory, suggesting the political baggage she carries from the partisan battles of the 1990s would be a burden on her general election campaign.
“I have a better chance than any of the other candidates of bringing the country together and attracting independents and Republicans into a working majority for change. That is a harder argument for Sen. Clinton to make, I think, because people’s views are set on her," Obama said.
The Illinois senator portrayed Clinton’s campaign so far as one based on obfuscation and avoidance of clear political stands.
In the primary, Clinton is trying “to make herself as small a target as possible to potential Republican attack by avoiding laying out too specific an agenda. But I think you can’t build a majority and bring about real, meaningful change if that’s the approach you take,” Obama said."
. . .In a speech he delivered in Spartanburg, S.C., shortly after the interview, Obama accused Clinton of playing from a worn campaign "textbook" that "encourages vague, calculated answers to suit the politics of the moment, instead of clear, consistent principles about how you would lead America.
"She's also a skilled politician, and she's run what Washington would call a 'textbook' campaign. But the problem is the textbook itself.
"It's a textbook that's all about winning elections, but says nothing about how to bring the country together to solve problems," he said.
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