left our open thread: A helpful hint

Monday, November 12, 2007

A helpful hint

Do you know which one I'm talking about, the supposed advance in voice recognition technology that sounds like an oh-so-casual woman instead of some robot on the phone? I am clearly not the demographic that responds to the practically giggling, let's just get settled in here, what problem do you have with your over-priced Charter service-here, why don't you, honey, just whisper into my automated ear and tell-me-about-it voice they've programmed in. Besides it's SLOW and I'm IMPATIENT and I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO ANYBODY. That's why I tried the chat. And was pawned off twice and disconnected. So you know I was rarin' to go. Just not with a robot.

So, in case that happens to you, my helpful hint. If when the lady robot asks you to say yes or no? I suggest, "Kiss my ass!" instead. You'll get a human, pronto, and an indefinite $20/month discount for your trouble. And, bonus, that deleted e-mail address restored, too. (I'm feeling so much better.) Just try to get that from a robot! I mean, maybe that's your thing.