left our open thread: Some snow day

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Some snow day

An ice storm that knocks out power for the weekend and beyond? Not exactly what I had in mind. But at least the pictures are pretty.


Lonnie said...

The pictures are great -- the lake views in particular make me want to pay a visit (but not until summer). I also liked the Lambeau pics. Surely you'll follow up with a written account of your extended weekend. Your readers would expect no less.

Anonymous said...

Readers? What readers? It doesn't look like you have any readers, at least not those who come here intentionally.

I Googled "Lonnie" and "Open thread" looking to find Lonnie Latham, and got this left-wing tripe. Good Gawd almighty. You poor dumb libs are talking to yourselves.

Lonnie said...

Thanks for stopping by, gutless wingnut. Please come back often and share your infinite wisdom and charm. Folks like you are our inspiration.