left our open thread: My Plan

Thursday, December 28, 2006

My Plan

Lonnie can talk all he wants about good cop and bad cop, yin and yang, but I think we all realize that all this contrast boils down to is the fact that he is a guy, and I am not. Sure, I may snicker at some dumb email joke, but would I ever post it? Nope. Would I follow it with a post about anything at all just to get it out of the way? You betcha.

So today I post my winter break to-do list, my intentions for the coming days. Yes, I'll catch up on the laundry, take naps, read a book, box up Christmas and move it back to the garage, but my only real goal is to watch seasons 1-3 of on DVD. Given my regard for and almost anything produced for , I'm not sure how this show stayed off my radar for so long, but season 4 was excellent, the most must-see of TV, and I proselytized as any recent convert would, aware that I didn't know the whole story but convinced that I understood the best parts. This week, however, I'll commandeer my family members' queues, fire up the widescreen time machine, and see what I've been missing. Next time Lonnie posts something goofy, I'll let you know how it goes.

1 Comment:

Lonnie said...

This just got personal.