left our open thread: Alexandria, Missouruh: Sal-ute!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Alexandria, Missouruh: Sal-ute!

Travel Theorem One, formulated 1991, when trying to get from one side of Memphis to the other after the Beale Street Music Festival: Sometimes you have to go to Mississippi.

Travel Corollary One, formulated right now*, somewhere in far northern Missouri:

Sometimes you have to take the fresh oil, loose gravel, no center line detour in exactly the wrong direction just to get to Iowa! But we did get to see the per capita fireworks stand capital of Clark County: population? 166. Fireworks stands? 8!

*yep, e-mail via cell phone has come to the boonies


Lonnie said...

Guess the Avenue of the Saints is coming along about as well as the War on Terror.

Allison said...

Heh. Except for that stretch, well, and the other not-quite-done-stretch, my highly sophisticated truly Midwestern self was pretty impressed with all that four-lane paved road.

Beat the I-55-I-80-corn-corn-corn-what's-that-smell?-route with a stick.