left our open thread: Stupid.Is@Stupid.Does.Gov

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


"WASHINGTON (AP) — Hackers broke into the Yahoo! e-mail account that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin used for official business as Alaska's governor, revealing as evidence a few inconsequential personal messages she has received since John McCain selected her as his running mate."

I'm going to have to say that again.

"the Yahoo! e-mail account that Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin used for official business."

Yahoo!! Seriously! (But not Yahoo Serious. And if you get that reference, well. I have no idea whether to award points or deduct them, so. Let's call it moot, yet essential.) Ye gods. The larger point here, of course, is not that using a spam-catcher address for official business not only looks like "the most nonsensical, inane thing I've ever heard of," as one activist put it, but that it only exists to subvert and hide and keep we the people in the dark!

Secrets and Lies! 4 more years! We cannot survive it!

Those Yahoo! exclamation points are contagious.