left our open thread: More laughing matters

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

More laughing matters

I mean, it is a joke. A joke that, given a few more lies, a few Diebold machines, a few more lies, some hanging chads, some racist stupid people, and a malignant melanoma may mean holy war with Russia, but we'll freak out about that later.

In the meantime, I give you the Palin Baby Name generator, if you're wondering what folks would have called you if fate had been oh, so cruel. Me? I woulda been Chalk Revelations until I ran for my life.


Unknown said...

Nice to meet you, Chalk Revelations. I'm Commando Coalfire. Ye gods.

Allison said...

You say you're commando? I find it hard to believe your mother lets you walk around without underwear. Then again, maybe we've discovered another flaw in abstinence education.

Anonymous said...

Chalk, I'm Shoulder Frontier or, worse yet, Bush Gator depending on who I claim to be at the moment. Good grief! But as long as I don't have to field dress anything . . .

Allison said...

There is just no good image that corresponds to Bush Gator.

Allison said...

Okay, one.

Lonnie said...

Not sure if you're supposed to use first and middle or last, so I tried both. Crutch Camp here, though I prefer Stick Freedom.