left our open thread: Mother's Day

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Things I thought but didn't say upon reading the Mother's Day poem my daughter wrote in school:

Well, it depends on who you ask.
I'm glad you think so.
Even when I snap?
Did you come up with those words yourself or did you all put things on the board and choose?
What's a cinquain?

I have the habits of a teacher, but not every moment need be teachable. Not every question need be asked, let alone answered. Some things just are what they appear to be, or they could be, as long as we believe them, or live as though they are. At the moment, then, this is me according to the one person on the planet who'll ever get to call me mom:

Warm, Sensitive
Cares for me
Always tender-hearted

1 Comment:

Hippo said...

My daughter was also assigned a Mother's Day poem by her English teacher. The difference between 10 year olds and 13 year olds? My poem, entitled "What Mothers Do," was a page-long list of lines like "Clean your room!" and "Stop hitting your brother" and "Go to bed" and "I am NOT old!"

Enjoy the sticky-sweet stuff when you can get it! It'll disappear for a few years, hopefully to return when they reach the age of reason (maybe around 20?).

Happy Mothers' Day!