left our open thread: Fun times

Friday, May 16, 2008

Fun times

So tonight's softball opponent didn't show, superior communication options notwithstanding. I was all set to be a base coach. Instead, I pitched batting practice.

I'm not sure the girls got much out of it, other than whatever modicum of confidence one gains from hitting the ball, hard, off of an old man whose only objective is to give you a pitch you can hit without hitting you in the process.

As for my own little player, I love the effort. She didn't like it much when I threw her out at first base, but what's a dad to do? But she swung the bat, and she hit the ball, and she laughed when I nearly took a liner in the chest. And she works her tail of at catcher, a position I adore.

Perhaps she knows this. Perhaps next time we come home and she gets out a bucket of balls, I'll work with her. Perhaps it's time she gets the attention her brother enjoyed. He's bloomed into a solid ballplayer and there's no reason to think she won't too.

Regardless, time spent throwing batting practice or just playing catch is priceless.