Do you think if you stand real close to Barry Bonds you can hear his little bitty brain rattling around in that great big skull of his? I swear, now he's even making Jim Rome (ESPN's designated hot head) look all grown up and rational.
The other night,"Boston pitcher Curt Schilling said refusals by Bonds and Mark McGwire to address accusations of steroids use are basically admissions of guilt." (Yep.) Since Schilling said that on Bob Costas' HBO show, Bonds fired back that Costas is "that little midget man who absolutely knows jack shit about baseball, who never played the game before.''
Costas, for his part, again offered to interview Bonds, in any number of circumstances, but also added, "As anyone can plainly see, I'm 5 (feet) 6 1/2 and a strapping 150,'' he said in a telephone interview. "And unlike some people, I came by all of it naturally.'' So he was professional and funny in his opinions, but hell, he's Bob Costas. That's what I expect him to be.
But Jim Rome? Mostly I just expect him to hurt my head. He might be smart; I can't listen to him long enough to know. But he got this right, and anybody who piles on baseball's not-so-great swollen wonder is okay by me:
From Thursday's Rome is Burning:
"When backed into a corner without a good response to a fair question, play the 'You're a midget who never played the game' card,'' Rome said. "How is Schilling suggesting you cheated Costas' fault? The fact that he never played the game has nothing to do with whether you cheated. It's completely ... irrelevant. The question is not whether or not he played the game, it's whether or not you cheated.''
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