left our open thread: Texas tea party

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Texas tea party

While attempting to instruct the mother of my son's baseball teammate on the art of keeping score today, the conversation wandered. By the time my son was pitching to hers to finish off the 8-5 victory, she was asking for the address to this blog. So, in case she stops by, I thought I should write something.

I realize now that I erred in characterizing my writing as mostly political. So if she comes here looking for my justification for supporting John Edwards or Al Gore for president, she'll be disappointed. Come to think of it, she didn't indicate who she supports, though I got the distinct impression that's she leans to the right.

That's ok. I have no problem with that. Good people can be wrong, just as bad people can be correct. I'm actually quite intrigued by the ability of conservatives to stand by their principles, even as conservative poster boy Dubya has made a mockery of our democracy while trying to force the freedoms we hold so dear down the throats of an unwilling nation and simultaneously denying them to our own people. It's like showing up uninvited to a party and changing the music, only bloodier.

Don't give me that "they hate us for our freedom" crap. They hate us for our arrogance, for our we-know-what's-best-for-you actions, for bombing their country and killing innocent people.

Don't give me that "we're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here" crap. Even the grand illusionist White House occupant can't believe this lie. Were it true, wouldn't we be fighting the people who attacked us in the first place? Intelligence, which is a moving target under the present administration, is clear that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Afghanistan did. Our ally Saudi Arabia did.

Sure, Iraq is now a breeding ground for terrorists. But only because our actions made it so.

And, public opinion be damned again, the Bush administration this week began discussing a US presence in Iraq that will last for decades. Why that wouldn't have anything to do with the region's rich oil resources would it? Goodness no. It's about weapons of mass destruction... or responding to an attack on our homeland... or bringing a dictator to justice... or spreading democracy.

I don't hate America; I hate George Bush's America. Though I don't have a magnet on my car, I support our troops. I support bringing them home from an unjust war. Let Dubya and his oil-rich buddies do the fighting, if they must. Except, as we've seen too many times, they're cowards.

Come and listen to a story about a man named Bush
Inherited a surplus, and made it go woosh
Then one day he was shootin at some dudes,
And up through the ground came a bubblin' crude.

Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea.

Well the first thing you know Bush is a billionaire,
Voters said Bush move away from there
Said we've had enough of this unjust war
So he dug his heels in the sand and prepared us for more

Death, that is.
US troops, Iraqi civilians.

Well now its time to say good-bye to Bush and all his guys.
And they would like to thank you folks fer turning a blind eye.
You’re all invited back again to this locality
To have a heapin helpin of their democracy

Imperialism that is. Set a spell. Watch Faux News. Y'all come back now, y'hear?

1 Comment:

K said...

Well said, Lonnie! I often wonder how we will make it through the next year and a half. My current fear is that we will get to November, 2008 and not have an election. Dubba and his crew are just so slick!

And every time I see a flag at half mast, I don't know if I should cry or scream. Neither one seems to move Dubba very much.

And why can't we support the troops AND fight to bring them home? Isn't that the ultimate support, bring them home where they are safe?

And what is unpatriotic about disagreeing with our government? Isn't that the ultimate patriotism? Isn't that what this country was founded on and what our soldiers are dying for??

Okay, off my soap box. Thanks for letting me rant!