left our open thread: Pl*n B

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Pl*n B

So today I came home from the neurologist with a replacement prescription that has the advantage of being both cheap ($15 instead of $100, though the insurance claims that $100 bottle of pills that I will have to eat, metaphorically, 90% of costs them $1147) and nearly side effect-free but also has disadvantage of being related to the sulfa drug that gave me instant fake bronchitis after my original ER visit in February.

Would it be too much to ask, universe, that I can have a headache- and seizure-free existence on the cheap drug and perhaps even wash it down with the soda and/or beer that the Topamax has denied me for months now?

Um, on second thought, that does seem a bit demanding. I can compromise.

I don't mind a headache now and then, having had at least a little bit of one every day for so long that people tell me I look at them funny when they insist that's not normal.

But could Pl*n B,like, work? Pretty please with no extra office visits on top? No difficulty breathing? No tightness in my chest?

'Cause that would be awesome. Considering I still have the rogue ovary and all.


K said...

Here's to good health, medicine that works, and a world that is right again!

I'm sending these vibes out to you!

Allison said...

Got 'em! Thanks.

Allison said...

Universe wins again! Fake bronchitis being no way to live, Pl*n C awaits. Dammit.