left our open thread: 10 for 10

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

10 for 10

To resurrect a blog that has been dormant for an unprecedented number of days, ten random thoughts from Far West America:

1. Motel 6 does indeed leave the light on. Which is handy when one's itinerary requires staying awake for 25 hours and 24.5 is all the driver can manage.

2. Note to self: leaving the itinerary planning to someone else may mean checking-in to a Motel 6 at 2:30 in the morning.

3. Renting a convertible without putting the top down is just another way to say, "I like to hold my suitcase in my lap."

4. Just because the Danes are fake doesn't mean the aebelskivers aren't good.

5. Highway 1 really is that spectacular, and getting where you're going really will take that long.

6. A ballpark without a game may even be more fun than a ballpark full of Giants fans.

7. "Owning a parking garage" is San Franciscan for "license to print money."

8. Nothing says Chinatown like jars full of preserved deer tails. Not even $1.85 t-shits.

9. The real game of inches is not baseball, but the difference between wiping bird shit off one's sleeve rather than out of one's hair.

10. Sand blown at 40+ mph turns up in the unlikeliest places for days and days and days.