left our open thread: Three Guesses

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Three Guesses

As to where I spent the last thirty-six to forty-eight hours, though one of those clues is kind of a trick. I mean, by rights shouldn't Bud Weiser have a car dealership here? I'm sure it's pronounced with a long E, too, but I really don't care. He sells cars with with a nickname and I desperately try to pass the time between Beloit and Bloomington until they finally fix that thumpa-thumpa-thumpa highway. We all do what we can.

Even if that involves going North during Spring Break, or at least part of it, if that's where the E Street Band is playing. Yes, dear readers, it is a theme. The mr. and I spent a freezing cold St. Patrick's Day in M'waukee with Bruce, and despite the smelly drunks, the idiots who asked if he'd play Jack and Diane, and the hour late start, we had a hell of a time. Why did we never do this before? No accounting. But I will say there are tickets left for Indianapolis, and it's two hours closer, and school doesn't start until Monday. And the forecast is for a balmy 51!