left our open thread: Four Seasons in Four Minutes

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Four Seasons in Four Minutes

When it comes to The Wire, I have that true-believer problem: I cannot explain why lovers of cop shows should watch it without going rapturously off the deep end, and convey what it's about? Well, it's complicated. "Just trust me," I end up saying, "and give it some time. It's the best show ever."

HBO, being bereft of the New Jersey mobsters, seems to have finally noticed its show about crime (and so much more) down the coast in Baltimore, now that it's 9 episodes from over forever. Among the ways they're promoting it is this video that does at least scratch the surface of the plot* thus far (while necessarily leaving out everything that makes The Wire, The Wire). If you have HBO and have considered watching The Wire, I can't decide if you should click play or not, though you should most definitely watch The Wire. All five seasons (1-4 on DVD). Since it's the best show ever. Just trust me.

*and contain at least two mistakes. does no one pay attention?