left our open thread: Now that's a gift bag

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Now that's a gift bag

I won't speak for my partner here, though I bet I could, but just to demonstrate a fairly obvious truth, that the volume of my posts is in direct proportion to what I should right this minute be doing, I'm going to share one more thing before I collapse on my pile of nearly-done work:

This week I'm attending a conference of ESL types. If you consider who we work with and why, I don't think it's surprising that these gatherings tend to be full of good progressive folks. But this year, they've outdone themselves. The theme? The Hammer of Justice. That's right, hammer. I don't know how you'd feel, but I cannot wait to get mine!

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

I want one! Pick up one for me, too!