left our open thread: Adios, Fredo

Monday, August 27, 2007

Adios, Fredo

Proving, once again, that he is both utterly shameless and incapable of making it through two sentences without screwing up a three syllable word, this was part of Dubya's statement today:

"Al Gonzales is a man of integrity, decency and principle, and I have reluctantly accepted his resignation with great appreciation for the service that he has provided for our country. . . ."

"It's sad that we live in a time when a talented and honorable person like Alberto Gonzales is impeding [sic] from doing important work because his good name was dragged through the mud for political reasons."*

Just wow. And vomit. And IF ONLY that were what's sad about the time we live in.

*This was on the back:

"Fredo here has covered my ass for years. And don't think I don't 'preciate it. I mean, this dude will do ANYTHING me and Turdblossom tell him, well, Turdblossom mostly, heh heh. You know I ain't got no ideas 'cept about gettin' more and more of that power. Power's cool. Constitution? He knows it's just some old paper. Shit. We got all kinds of paper. Anyway, that Fredo did some awesome lawyerin'. Made up all kinds of crap, then talked in circles 'til Congress was all pissed off and I don't think they'll catch us, er, them, 'til it's too late, maybe. And he said we could beat people silly and spy on anybody and and all kinds of supercool crap, too. Real presidentin'. None of that sissy business. Terror! Woo! See you around, Fredo, unless, you know, we got to hang you out to dry. Damn, we'll miss ya.

1 Comment:

K said...

Hee hee - I love the comment on the back. Unfortunately, it hits so close to home!!