left our open thread: Getting dirty while cleaning up

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Getting dirty while cleaning up

Tonight, finally, a week into the great flood of 2008, I got dirty. And sweaty.

It felt good.

As depressing as it was to drive through a downtown that now resembles a third world country, I'm inspired to see that legendary Iowan can-do spirit in action, and prouder yet to finally be part of it.

Even Dubya seemed to get it.

"Sometimes you get dealt a hand you didn’t expect to have to play," Bush said today after surveying the damage in Cedar Rapids and Iowa City. "It’s not a question whether you’re going to play it. The question is how you’re going to play it.

"I’m confident the people of Iowa will play it well," Bush said.

Yes, Mr. Lame-Duck and Lame-Ass President, Sir, we will. And we'll need a whole lot of government aid, but we're not about to wait around for it.

Finally able to access most flooded areas freely during the day, residents are attacking in force. Just in on the local news: all barricades to come down tomorrow, though the overnight curfew remains in effect. That means there will be even more curbside piles and piles of debris -- carpet, drywall, appliances, furniture, etc.

On a rare open evening, I was able to pitch in for a couple hours at the home of my son's former baseball coach and occasional personal trainer. We tore down the drywall in what seemed like minutes compared to hauling it to the curb.

There were about 10 of us when Lisa and I arrived, including Vicente. He didn't call anyone. He didn't need to. A fellow baseball parent was there all day. Former players pitched in. It was sweet.